Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Statistics show that every 12 seconds another person contracts HIV; every 16 seconds another person dies from AIDS. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), nearly 35 million people have HIV/AIDS world wide; 1.2 million of those live in the United States. However, A recently released report says that new HIV cases are down by 17 percent since 2001. Help keep it down by knowing your status (GET TESTED) and stop the spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and help others by DONATING too.
I haven't blogged in a while due to being major sick, but nothing compares to my sickness, then HIV and AIDS victims, I just want to send the message out there to everybody young and old, WORLD WIDE and every RACE, Please be safe, sharing a needle or having sex with someone without using protection isn't worth your life being taken away! PLEASE, PLEASE, GET TESTED, BUY A RED RIBBON TO SUPPORT, and USE CONDOMS. IT'S NOT WORTH IT, FOR THE SAKE OF PLEASURE THAT WILL TURN INTO A NIGHTMARE THIS ISN'T A JOKE OR SOMETHING TO BE TAKEN LIGHT HEARTED DO THE RIGHT THING GET TESTED AND USE PROTECTION REMEMBER: DECEMBER 1ST - WORLD AIDS DAY

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