Thursday, 31 March 2011

My Personal Style :-)

Hi, my darling Fashion Monster Humans, so it has been a minute since I have blogged once again, and one is trying to keep out of this financial crunch it's retarded how many cut backs there has been lately.  Anyway on a positive note lets speak about Fashion weeeeeeeeeeeeee, yar so like it's so hot, it's so amazing it's CAMAZON. I wanted to speak about my personal style. People always ask me to blog about myself and the clothes I like to wear but I'm like nah I like to talk about other peoples fashion and secretly I am a little shy hee he. I have so many friends that Dress super retarded in a Brilliant way, I can't just speak about myself. So I one has decided to put a set pics of myself and a set of my SUPER FRESH friends  in the mix enjoy weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

1 comment:

Styliiista said...

Awww! you're beautiful as ever. These pics don't do you justice girl. This I know. Miss you're lovely face! xoxo